Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Assignment 1.2

Read Jack London's To Build a Fire.

Where is the Yukon?

Locate the Yukon in a paper atlas (not on-line). Draw a simple map showing the Yukon and the adjacent states and provinces. Include the three largest cities in the Yukon on your map. Your map should include a north arrow and a rough scale.

What is a Klondiker?

Ask Professora to show you pictures of the Chilkoot Pass.

What is the name of the protagonist? Why might the author refer to the main character in this way?

Did the man die from “bad luck?”

In literature, we often speak in terms of conflict. What is meant by conflict? Who or what is the antagonist? What is the conflict [protagonist versus antagonist]?

Write a new ending for Jack London’s story. Your ending should be 250 to 600 words.

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